Publication and Presentation Update- December 2013
On November 5th, Taryn Travis, MD gave two podium presentations at the American College of Surgeons’ (ACS) Committee on Trauma (COT) 2014 Resident Trauma Papers Competition, Washington DC.
In Vitro Mitigation of Pathogenic Bacteria and Virulence Factors Using a Hydroconductive Dressing. Moffatt LT, Ortiz RT, Carney BC, Bullock RM, Robson MC, Jordan MH, Shupp JW. Surgical Science. 2013 Nov; 4(11): 477-85. DOI: 10.4236/ss.2013.411094.
Presentations and Awards:
On November 5th, Taryn Travis, MD gave two podium presentations at the American College of Surgeons’ (ACS) Committee on Trauma (COT) 2014 Resident Trauma Papers Competition, Washington DC. This meeting was held at MWHC and was the local venue for the competition.
Dr. Travis earned 1st place in the basic science category for her research and presentation on “The Application of Pressure Reduces Hypertrophic Scar Pathology: A Gross, Cellular and Molecular Analysis Using a Validated Animal Model”. Her co-authors were Pejhman Ghassemi, PhD, Dereck W. Paul, BS, Nick J. Prindeze, BS, Lauren T. Moffatt, PhD, Jessica Ramella-Roman, PhD, and Jeffrey W. Shupp, MD. She goes on to present this paper at the Region III meeting and competition, which takes place December 7-8 in Philadelphia, PA.
Dr. Travis was awarded 2nd place in the clinical science category for her second presentation on “Organ Donation from Burn-Injured Patients: A National Perspective”. Her co-authors were Laura S. Johnson, MD, Lauren T. Moffatt, PhD, Ram Subramanian, MD, Marion H. Jordan, MD, FACS, and Jeffrey W. Shupp, MD.